1831-12-21 ANN ARBOR M T --#MANUSCRIPT & MS 25 RATE---AHMS LETTER 900/134---REV. C.G. CLARKE---"REV ALANSON DARWIN DIED LAST THURSDAY AT TECUMSEH M T"---DATELINED DEXTER-- GENEALOGY 2---3PGS---Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan
Year: 1831
Date: 1831-12-21
American Home Missionary Society
, MI Covers
, MI Genealogy
, Manuscripts
, Michigan Territorial
, Letters Containing Correspondence
, Publicly Owned
Associated Pages: 4
1. 1831-12-21 ANN ARBOR M T --AHMS LETTER-900/134--DATELINED DEXTER 12/20/1831--PAGE 4 Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan Read More..
2. 1831-12-21 ANN ARBOR M T --MANUSCRIPT---AHMS LETTER 900/134---DATELINED DEXTER---PAGE 1-- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan Read More..
3. 1831-12-21 ANN ARBOR M T --MANUSCRIPT---AHMS LETTER 900/134---DATELINED DEXTER--PAGE 2--- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan Read More..
4. 1831-12-21 ANN ARBOR M T --MANUSCRIPT---AHMS LETTER 900/134---DATELINED DEXTER---PAGE 3-- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan Read More..