Title: 1846-09-11 GRAND RAPIDS MICH---BLACK CDS --F.H. CUMINGS--PRIVATELY OWNED--- GENEALOGY----ERNIE'S COLLECTION More.. Year: 1846 Date: 1846-09-11 County: Kent City: Category: American Home Missionary Society , MI Covers , Ernie's Michigan Collection , MI Genealogy , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Privately Owned Associated Pages: 1
Title: 1846-09-11 BARRY MICH-{1834-1860-DPO-V8} ---#MANUSCRIPT --- AHMS LETTER 1243/2264 -- DATELINED WINDSOR - EATON CO-- GENEALOGY-- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan More.. Year: 1846 Date: 1846-09-11 County: Jackson City: Category: American Home Missionary Society , MI Covers , MI Genealogy , Manuscripts , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Publicly Owned Associated Pages: 0
Title: 1846-09-11 BARRY MICH -{1834-1860-DPO-V8}---#MANUSCRIPT --- AHMS LETTER 1243/2264 -- DATELINED WINDSOR - EATON CO-- GENEALOGY-- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan More.. Year: 1846 Date: 1846-09-11 County: Jackson City: Category: American Home Missionary Society , MI Covers , MI Genealogy , Manuscripts , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Publicly Owned Associated Pages: 0