Title: 1846-08-13 OTSEGO MICH ---#MANUSCRIPT ---AHMS LETTER 1178/2069 ---REV. F.L. FULLER-- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan More.. Year: 1846 Date: 1846-08-13 County: Allegan City: Category: American Home Missionary Society , MI Covers , Manuscripts , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Publicly Owned Associated Pages: 0
Title: 1846-08-13 IONIA MICH---RED CDS---FROM NATHANIEL REDINGTON AT IONIA TO LUTHER SALMON AT RICHMOND, BERKSHIRE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS---GENEALOGY---PRIVATELY OWNED---COURTESY OF A MICHIGAN COLLECTOR More.. Year: 1846 Date: 1846-08-13 County: Ionia City: Category: MI Covers , MI Genealogy , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Privately Owned Associated Pages: 4
Title: 1846-08-13 PORT HURON MICH--ST,CLAIR CO.--BLACK 32MM CDS--TO LONGFORD CO. IRELAND--4 pg--ERNIES COLLECTION More.. Year: 1846 Date: 1846-08-13 County: Saint Clair City: Category: MI Covers , Letters to Foreign Destinations , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Privately Owned Associated Pages: 5