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2 archives found

Title: 1843-09-28 ANN ARBOR MICH---CDS---DATELINED PINCKNEY MICH---AHMS LETTER 1217/1160---REV. SETH HARDY-- GENEALOGY---Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan More..
Year: 1843
Date: 1843-09-28
County: Livingston , Washtenaw
City: AnnArbor
Category: MI Covers , MI Genealogy , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Publicly Owned
Associated Pages: 3

Title: 1843-09-28 ANN ARBOR MICH--CDS & MS 25 RATE---DATELINED OWOSSO---AHMS LETTER 1158/1161---AUSTIN GUIFFES, ERASTUS BARNS, I.M. WEAD, JOHN G. KANOUSE, J. HARDY---GENEALOGY 5---3PGS--- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan More..
Year: 1843
Date: 1843-09-28
County: Shiwassee , Washtenaw
City: AnnArbor
Category: American Home Missionary Society , MI Covers , MI Genealogy , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Publicly Owned
Associated Pages: 4