Ernies Michigan

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2 archives found

Title: 1837-09-17 LEONI MICH--#MANUSCRIPT---DATELINED GRASS LAKE---AHMS LETTER 626/503---REV JOHN M.ELLIS-- Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan More..
Year: 1837
Date: 1837-09-17
County: Jackson
Category: American Home Missionary Society , MI Covers , Manuscripts , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Publicly Owned
Associated Pages: 3

Title: 1837-09-17 FARMINGTON MICH----#MANUSCRIPT---AHMS LETTER--623/508---REV. GEORGE EASTMAN---Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan More..
Year: 1837
Date: 1837-09-17
County: Oakland
Category: American Home Missionary Society , MI Covers , Manuscripts , Michigan Stampless Letters , Letters Containing Correspondence , Publicly Owned
Associated Pages: 1